the surrender of japan on the uss missouri certainly deserved a page in history 意味

  • 米艦ミズーリ号上での日本の降伏は確かに歴史の 1 ページを占めるに値する出来事であった.


        battleship missouri surrender:    戦艦{せんかん}ミズーリ上での降伏{こうふく}、無条件降伏{むじょうけん こうふく}
        page of history:    歴史の一こま
        uss:     USS {略} : US Ship 米艦船、米軍艦
        history of japan:    history of Japan 日本史 にほんし
        missouri:    Missouri ミズーリ
        add a new page in the history of:    ~の歴史{れきし}に新しい1ページを加える
        glorious page in english history:    英国史上の輝かしい一時期
        store page history:    ページの履歴{りれき}を記録{きろく}する
        japan's surrender in world war ii:    第二次大戦{だいにじ たいせん}の日本降伏{にほん こうふく}
        certainly:     certainly adv. 確かに, 確実に. 【副詞】 He was almost certainly lying when he said that. 彼がそう言ったときはまず間違いなくうそをついていた most certainly 絶対に間違いなく I most certainly will not go to his wedding. 彼の結
        certainly not:    それは駄目{だめ}だ、とんでもない
        certainly!:    certainly! 畏まりました かしこまりました
        deserved:    {形} : 当然{とうぜん}の、功罪{こうざい}に応じた、それだけの価値{かち}がある、相応{そうおう}の、受けて当然{とうぜん}の He got his deserved punishment after lying to his mother. 彼は母親にうそをつき、当然ともいえる罰を受けた。 ------------------------------------------------
        write an important page in the history of:    ~の歴史{れきし}に重要{じゅうよう}な足跡{あしあと}を残す
        agricultural history society of japan:    {組織} : 日本農業史学会◆【URL】


  1. "the surplus is still growing" 意味
  2. "the surplus money in the economy is contributing to inflation" 意味
  3. "the surplus of imports over exports" 意味
  4. "the surprise left her speechless" 意味
  5. "the surprise my son had for me turned out to be an excellent report card" 意味
  6. "the surrender of the rebel forces took place on 17 july" 意味
  7. "the surrey commercial docks are situated on a peninsula in the thames" 意味
  8. "the surrounded troops made a stirring appeal for help on the radio" 意味
  9. "the surrounding country spreads in a panorama before us" 意味
  10. "the surprise left her speechless" 意味
  11. "the surprise my son had for me turned out to be an excellent report card" 意味
  12. "the surrender of the rebel forces took place on 17 july" 意味
  13. "the surrey commercial docks are situated on a peninsula in the thames" 意味

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